As I looked at this patient their eyes were slightly open, fixated on the wall, they could not speak,
they could not move, they could not even eat, all they could really do is
breath; and yet let everything that has breath praise the Lord. This person,
just like every person, is a one who is truly loved by God. While the world may
see them as old, decrepit, and taking up space and money while waiting to die;
the Lord sees each one as a precious child. The same Lord who breathed into man
giving him life, is breathing into each and every one of us. From a baby who
takes its first gasp of air to those who are exhaling their last breath; the
Holy Spirit sings praises to God. For as Romans 8 says, “In
the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought
to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of
the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with
the will of God.”
Soon we
will be celebrating Pentecost and how
the church was formed through the power of the Holy Spirit. While we are called to be in ministry with
the “least of these” let us be remind that our ministry is not a ministry of
“results” but a ministry of love. We
serve others not for some benefit that we will gain, and not even necessarily
anything those we serve will gain either; but we serve because we love God and
because we recognize the sacred worth of all of God’s children. If we love in this way then just like the
psalms we will experience both joy and pain, fear and comfort, anger and
praise. Still, at the end of the day when we recognize that the breath of God
is in each and every one of us, working between us in a delicate dance of
inhaling and exhaling, allowing two strangers who may not know each other or
who may not even be able to communicate with each other to share in a sacred
moment of praise, then we truly can exclaim,
“ Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
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